
Long-chain fatty acids (FAs) are components of plasma membranes and an efficient fuel source and also serve as metabolic regulators through FA signaling mediated by membrane FA receptors. Impaired tissue FA uptake has been linked to major complications of obesity, including insulin resistance, cardiovascular disease, and type 2 diabetes. Fatty acid interactions with a membrane receptor and the initiation of signaling can modify pathways related to nutrient uptake and processing, cell proliferation or differentiation, and secretion of bioactive factors. Here, we review the major membrane receptors involved in FA uptake and FA signaling. We focus on two types of membrane receptors for long-chain FAs: CD36 and the G protein–coupled FA receptors FFAR1 and FFAR4. We describe key signaling pathways and metabolic outcomes for CD36, FFAR1, and FFAR4 and highlight the parallels that provide insight into FA regulation of cell function.


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