
The next decade will see essentially completed sequences for multiple branches of virtually all angiosperm clades that include major crops and/or botanical models. These sequences will provide a powerful framework for relating genome-level events to aspects of morphological and physiological variation that have contributed to the colonization of much of the planet by angiosperms. Clarification of the fundamental angiosperm gene set, its arrangement, lineage-specific variations in gene repertoire and arrangement, and the fates of duplicated gene pairs will advance knowledge of functional and regulatory diversity and perhaps shed light on adaptation by lineages to whole-genome duplication, which is a distinguishing feature of angiosperm evolution. Better understanding of the relationships among angiosperm genomes promises to provide a firm foundation upon which to base translational genomics: the leveraging of hard-won structural and functional genomic information from crown botanical models to dissect novel and, in some cases, economically important features in many additional organisms.


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